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WSIAT Decisions

Decision No. 2126/00 - "The worker was not capable of working as of October 1996 and is therefore entitled to a 100% FEL award from March 1, 1997 to February 24, 1998 when he turned 65."

Decision No. 2333/00 - "The worker’s appeal is allowed. The worker shall be assessed by the Board for entitlement to non-economic loss benefits flowing from the cervical injury of 1992. That injury, I conclude, was aggravated by the accident at work sustained in 1996, and after that date, the Board is instructed to assess the worker for entitlement to Future Economic Loss benefits, and/or entitlements which flow from that conclusion."

Decision No. 1762/03 - "The appeal is granted. The worker is entitled to receive a pension rating assessment and to receive a permanent partial disability award for an injury to the low back, arising from the work accident of December 14, 1970. The award is to be made effective from the date the Board determines the condition had reached maximum medical recovery."

Decision No. 1537/04 - "The worker has entitlement to LOE benefits from April 29, 2002 onwards."

Decision No. 2253/05 - "The appeal is allowed. The worker’s right wrist ganglion injury is work related and hence initial entitlement is granted."

Decision No. 2477/07 - "The appeal is allowed. The worker is entitled to further LOE benefits from August 6, 2004 onwards."

Decision No. 1658/08 - "The appeal is allowed. The worker has initial entitlement to benefits for CPD. The worker is entitled to full LOE benefits as of September 27, 2004."

Decision No. 689/12 - "The worker is therefore entitled to full LOE benefits for each of the periods in dispute, from June 2 until June 14, 2008; from July 14, 2008 until April 17, 2009; and from July 7, 2009 to October 2009, and ongoing throughout his Work Transition program."

Decision No. 2479/12 - "The worker has entitlement on a disablement basis to health care benefits for his right knee as related to his workplace duties. The worker has entitlement to a NEL assessment. The Board is directed to determine the date of the worker’s MMR."

Decision No. No. 82/13 - "The SEB of Purchasing and Inventory clerk is not suitable for the worker, following the increase in the NEL award for CPD from 15 percent to 30 percent, effective May 23, 2003. The worker is capable of working part time 20 hours per week in a minimum wage job. The worker’s partial FEL award should be recalculated effective May 23, 2003, to reflect the worker’s deemed ability to work part time 20 hours per week, in a minimum wage job."

Decision No. 2047/12 - "The worker is entitled to benefits for permanent psychotraumatic disability, and a NEL assessment in that regard. I also find that the worker was unable to return to the modified work offered by the employer, and she is therefore entitled to benefits beyond May 18, 2009, including LOE benefits. The extent of the worker’s benefits beyond that date is remitted to the Board for determination once the above noted NEL assessment for psychotraumatic disability is completed."

Decision No. 857/14 - "The appeal is allowed. The worker is entitled to a non-economic loss assessment for her neck, low back and left wrist."

Decision No. 1694/14 - "The appeal is allowed as follows:
1. The worker has entitlement for a February 14, 2011 recurrence of an October 6, 2005 neck injury.
2.The worker is entitled to an NEL assessment for a permanent impairment of his neck.

Decision No. 114/15 - "We find that the cumulative effect of the factors we have considered renders the worker incapable of engaging in gainful employment, and that her inability in this regard, in significant part, arises from the workplace injury. The worker is, therefore, entitled to full LOE benefits from April 12, 2010."

Decision No. 1249/17 - "For reasons that are provided above, I have determined that, in addition to the 52% NEL benefit awarded to the worker for a neurological injury, the worker is entitled to a further NEL award for psychotraumatic disability, rated as a 20% impairment of the whole person. When these awards are combined, the worker’s total NEL award is 62%."

Decision No. 2369/17 - "The Panel finds that the worker has entitlement to a low back injury which involves an L5-S1 disc herniation. The Panel finds that the accident date is February 24, 2014, and that this date corresponds to the date when the worker first sought medical attention for his low back condition."